
Freitag, 24. November 2017

Verkaufe: Seagate Barracuda LP 2TB 5900 RPM(Artikelnummer: 253275857988)

Verkaufe: Western Digital Red 2TB,Intern,5400RPM(Artikelnummer: 253275855155)

Google 10 digit prime in Euler's number/ Erste 10-Stellige Primzahl in der Eulerzahl/ Solving the Google billboard problem and getting the first 10 digits of e that are a prime number.

TenDigitPrimeCalculatorCSharp is a project to calculate the Google billboard problem (Google 10 digit prime number from the Euler number) in C#.

Packetsender-Send, retrieve and work on UDP and TCP packets

Business Intelligence (BI) from Brayn Brandow with Tableau and MicroStrategy