
Freitag, 3. April 2020

Polizei fordert von Gesundheitsämtern Daten von Corona-Infizierten

Für angehende Verschlüsselungsexperten: Lern-Software CrypTool 2 2020.1 ist da

heise Security: Drei Webinar-Pakete für Security- und Datenschutz-Profis

Best of IT-Security: Video der Online-Konferenz für Security-Experten verfügbar

Contact Form 7 Datepicker: Gefährliches WordPress-Plugin ohne Support

Telerik UI for Blazor 2.10.0: ListView, Pager, Checkbox, WASM 3.2.0 Preview 3 Support and More!

TimeScaleDB: ERROR: cannot create a unique index without the column "xy" (used in partitioning) SQL state: IO103

ERROR:  FEHLER:  cannot create a unique index without the column "xy" (used in partitioning)

SQL state: IO103

The error "cannot create a unique index without the column "xy" (used in partitioning)" normally only occurs if you use one column that is not used within `create_hypertable` as `PRIMARY KEY` or `UNIQUE` column (Or general as constraint). Following